Friday, 20 July 2007

I'm back but not with a bang, just yet. Unfortunately, the Gods of transport have not been kind to me yet again. After a grueling 7 hour train journey I have been too exhausted write anything for the past few days.

What I will write will be an epic however, so I plan to split my trip to Nottingham into 4 different posts over the next couple of weeks. To cap it off - one whole post on the Central Trains disaster. For the time being, you can read some of the previous 'transport' posts on my old blog to wet your already savoring appetite *cough*.

>> Return of the Train Cowboy

>> Chassen Park


Crashdummie said...

Train? Did you take the Hogward Express? Sorry, due to the new HP movie and the 7th book, my mind is kinda already cluttered.


Yoda said...

Thats an interesting name for a blog. Mutual Induction! Reminds me of my electrical engineering days :-)

Torquer said...

Crashdummie: I just got the new Harry Potter book today. But only because it was a fiver in Tesco! I haven't actually finished the last one yet - I got bored of it.

Torquer said...

Yoda: Electrical engineering? I'm sort of interested in engineering. I might do it at University: structural or civil or something large scale. Any advice?